portaits / cities / places
London / Paris / Stockholm / Helsinki / Göteborg / Wiesbaden / Norrland / New York / Norrköping / Malmö / Lund / Tate Galleries / Millesgården / Skansen / Småland / Brighton&Hove / Skåne / Apotekarns / Kungsholmen / Höganäs/Kullabygden / Helsingborg
Maria Holmer Dahlgren’s trays come in various sizes and are accompanied by dishcloths, tea towels and other modern souvenirs that fits in any sized luggage. She considers it a personal battle against tacky souvenirs that has no soul. All the trays are handmade in Sweden, using only the finest Scandinavian birch. They are sold in museum shops and high-end design boutiques all over the globe. The theme “From my homeplanet with love”.
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